Tuesday, January 5, 2010



Thiago said...

What? Where's the "we needed the sherry to fuel the after-party; my friends can be such prudes sometimes..." ?

Elizabeth said...

Hee hee hee! I think you should just email him the blog post and let him vote!

BTW, my "verification word" for this comment is "mix in" which seems frighteningly appropriate!

Chris said...

YES! so funny. I still say the pheasant one is the best. Do you cook pheasant with sherry? I bet Jo March did.

L said...


E: That's crazy! Mix In, ha! That happens more often than one might think, it's almost as if the blog is saying "I know what you're thinking!"

Chris: Yes, I'd say the sherry might go quite nicely with the tofu pheasant I've trapped in my back yard. I'll have to ask Jo March to see what she recommends.
Or maybe I can flambee something, if I don't get around to trudging back to his house and leaving it on his chic doorstep. It would probably get re-stolen there...

Thiago: I'm not sure...hm I suppose I forgot that one, as it was the truth! Too bad that after party has yet to commence.

Unknown said...

Here's my vote: 911! The PoPo are on their way to take you in, villain. That being said, I think I'll go with number two. And he's not fat, he's just big-boned!