Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sorry I've Been Boring Lately. I Guess I Need a Little Dose of DRAMA!!!!

(As if!!!)

Well anyhow, I'm going to New York this weekend to visit la bella Nonna and see Tosca at the Met, in what has become our yearly tradition (this is our third year). Tosca is my grandmother's favorite opera, and I'm interested as ever to see what happens, and how this love story won't work out and how all of these characters will die miserable, inevitable, poetic deaths. I mean, I've been through every last hacking cough of La Boheme, and the live entombment of Aida, along with countless others, but Tosca, Tosca seems like drama-rama. I need some serious power lipstick, hello Nars, shade AMAZON!

I also found this creepy and kind of cool animation to "E Lucevan Le Stelle" (the smash-hit from the score--I've been jamming to it on my iPod as part of the Ultimate Puccini collection I downloaded). I'm basically super-excited. [And I know not everybody feels this way about the opera, but just try to think about some really big treat you like, and, well that's how I feel right now.] In any case, and even if you have to press mute, I hope in some way you like this video. Enjoy!


Elizabeth A. said...

Have a blast! I'm almost done with my antibiotics and I hope that by the time you get back I will no longer sound or act like Mimi, coughing her lungs out till her dying breath.

Surprise? For me? I LOVE surprises~

Chris said...

isnt vissi d'arte from tosca? THAT is just a bucket of happiness and flowers.